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Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Mission Conference lll

On Saturday night we heard Abbey talk about her four week trip to Ghana. She worked in a Rafika orphanage. Abbey spent her first 10 years of life on the mission field in Africa. Her dad is a pilot and they worked in Africa. She always wanted to go back and see what it was like. She didn't remember the long plane ride and has a new appreciation for her mama who kept her and her brother happy for all those hours. We saw some of her pictures and a few videos. It was great. We also heard Ted challenge us to pray. He gave examples from his life

Sunday morning we had a brunch as we heard the missionaries talk about their plans for the future. They shared prayer requests with us also. The Sunday service began with the flag ceremony. Each country where we have a missionary or have had a missionary we have a flag. They are brought in one by one and placed in the front of the church as the statistics are read about how many Christians they have in those countries. The most moving to me is always the American flag. It is carried by someone in full uniform usually someone from the Air Force. This Sunday a Boy Scout carried the flag. We also have missionaries in the Czech Republic and we have a couple in our church from there. They carried their flag. How moving that was. Dr Medeiors spoke til 12:30 and I never even looked at my watch.

There are pictures on our church web site for you to see and enjoy. I sat all day Monday. I feel so much better today but still plan to sit most of the day.

I can't wait til the next conference!

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