Wow! I just found 5.00$!

Friday, April 18, 2008

Did you miss me?

I've not had the internet since Monday. I may post 20 times in the next few days so... get ready.


RiLes said...

Yay! You're back! :)

Annie said...

I was wondering what was going on....yes, you were missed!! :)

Keri said...

I do the same thing. A long dry spell in March produced the bounty of ONE post. I'm rebounding nicely though. I've actually posted twice a day lately!

I love your picture with Woody. "Big Woodies" always makes my mom laugh.

War Eagle!

Anonymous said...

I've been missing you for years babe! Just glad to have you back in two dimensions if I can't have three.

Anonymous said...

actually i did miss you! look forward to reading your next blog! for some reason i'm on a roll of reading you, september whimsy and andree seu! what a group of gals you three are! :)


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