Wow! I just found 5.00$!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Mine is second from the left

My friend, Nancy, had the fourth one of her five daughters get married on the 2nd of August. For pictures go to Kaitlin's blog I got to help by making cupcakes. 600 to be exact. About 400 white with white icing and 200 chocolate with chocolate icing. Many hands make light work and I was helped by Nancy, the bride Alyssa, Clare, KimT, Kaitlin and Marisa. Sandy and KimT helped ice them the day of the wedding. As a Thank-you, Dan, the dad, who is a potter made us these mugs. I just love them. Below you see mine and Kaitlin's and Marisa's and one for Carl because he does lots for these weddings too. Aren't they darling?????

1 comment:

fgpuckett said...

These are so cute! They remind me of characters from The Hobbit, for some reason.


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