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Thursday, April 2, 2009

What do you see as you drive?

We live out from the city and have a beautiful drive every time we go into the city. I love seeing the redbuds (which for some reason are purple) and the dogwoods off in the woods that we drive through.

Once my friend, KathyB, said that she saw a dogwood surrounded by several flowering trees. She said that it looked to her like a bride with her bridesmaids. Can't you just picture that?

Enjoy the spring


fgpuckett said...

That really is nice imagery.

Anonymous said...

I know that this is not what you had in mind but since yesterday afternoon I have seen 3 cars driving around Tulsa with Auburn bumper stickers. I'm not joking. I thought of you.

Julie said...

I am enjoying the Wisteria flowering along the interstate. It's so beautiful.

lumbyone said...

I love seeing the redbuds as well they are so easy to spot this time of year.


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