Wow! I just found 5.00$!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Not what I expected

I thought of this post on Tuesday 

 I went to get a perm and a hair cut on Tuesday.  I have a new lady doing my hair after my beloved Kristi left the profession.  My haircuts and perms are fabulous but we don't a lot in common so there is lots of silence.  Often she will set an alarm to time certain parts of the perming process and leave the room.  I can't read without my glasses and I can't put them on with all the curlers in my hair.  I decided I would pray.  I had to close my eyes because there are mirrors EVERYWHERE and I don't like looking at me.  I soon jerked myself awake when my chin hit my chest.  Ok, so I needed to do something else. Before I could find anything else to do the alarm finally went off! 

I was not looking forward to my next perm but she had another lady so there was conversation.  It just was not what I expected.  The lady came in for a hair cut while I was waiting for the perm chemicals to work their magic on my hair.  She was, I'm guessing in her 80's.  Her outfit was all the same color- turquoise.  She had a jacket, top and shirt.  Her hair was a bit mussed up when she came in but I thought nothing of it until said hair dresser asked if she had driven her convertible!!!!!!!!  I was stunned!!!!  Then she started talking about American Idol.  She talked about how any times she had voted for Kris and how she hope all Danny's voters would vote for Kris.  She talked about getting her eyeliner on and wondered how Adam did his?!?  I was speechless.  She told us that from the hair place she was going to a farmers market and hoped her husband would let her continue driving with the top down.

Wow,  I hope I am 'with it' when I am in my 80's.

Carl, can I have a  convertible ?  


Anonymous said...

Haha.. so you want the bug in the teeth experience!

kathy b said...

Oo Oo Oo! Can I have one too!


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