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Wednesday, January 27, 2010

A Picture of Heaven named Evelyn, Anne and Nicole

God in His wonderful graciousness permits us to see glimpses of Heaven every now and again. There are different glimpses for different people and we should keep our eyes focused on Him and not on these glimpses lest we get disappointed when every day doesn't lead to one.

Some times these are a sunrise or sunset, a piece of music, a talk, speech or sermon that moves you, and sometimes it is wonderful fellowship.

I had one last night with a group of women from church.

Nicole is in charge of a ministry called 'table for 4'. The goal is for 4 women to meet for 4 months and just get to know each other better. The goal is to pair 2 older women and 2 younger women. My group consisted of Nicole, Evelyn, Anne and myself. I was one of the 'older women'.

Last night was our 4th time to meet. We met at Evelyn's house.

We talked about the following:
children's names
our names
upcoming events at church
recent trips we had taken
the church nursery
the upcoming weather
church history
plus about a billion more topics

When I list what we talked about it seems so mundane but when we were talking about them the sharing was very deep and we laughed, oh how, we laughed. I came away knowing I was loved, very encouraged, and ready to get back into the daily grind because I was so uplifted.

We have been assigned new 'table for 4 groups' to begin in February and I am excited to learn from and about my new group.

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