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Sunday, March 21, 2010

My mascot can beat your mascot

So I know that you are taking a break from the March Madness to read a few blogs...

It is with a heavy heart that I realize there are those of you reading this who are not aware of what March Madness is... we can still be friends.

For those who are watching basketball on TV and those who enjoy fun trivia here is just a little info about the teams.

30 states are represented this year
TX has the most teams in this year with 7
PA has the second most with 5
CA -4
KY, OH, TN, SC, IN, NY -3
KS, MD, MI, VA, NC, WI, FL, UT, WA, NM-2
NV, OK, IA, GA, MN, VT, WVA, MO and AR had 1

and in case any of you took the time to count all those teams that is just 63. Georgetown is in the District of Columbia.

I love our bracket pickings. We have been doing it for 14 years. We started it the year my mama died to give us a fun distraction in the midst of our grief. John Austin was 8, Kaitlin 10 and Andrew 13. We pick round by round. There are many advantages of this way of picking. The biggest one being you can have a bad day and still not be out of it. Also it involves lots of interaction because you must keep up with the games and keep sending your picks in.

We have a fun group in our picking this year. It is made up of family and friends. We have those that could be on ESPN with all their knowledge and we have those that have no idea what ESPN is. I love all the creative ways our folks have for picking their teams, some pick the higher seed, some by color of the team or who the mascot is, one by the teams that have the most letters of his name in them, and alphabetical is always popular.

John has a friend, Kevin, and in Kevin's bracket he picked the higher seed unless there were 5 seed points apart and then he picked the team whose mascot could beat the other one in a fight. Now that took some thought!

Just so you know, Andrew won last year, even though he doesn't remember.

How do you pick your teams?

1 comment:

Kathy B said...

The mascot thing was so funny! I think in that scheme of things, the Syracuse Orange doesn't have a CHANCE. Hahahaha. This year, if I knew something about the team, I used my knowledge, but most of the time I just picked one I thought I'd enjoy rooting for. Thus, I picked Vanderbilt as my Cinderella team. Oops! :D But 3 of my four final four are still in it. Wish I could watch some games with y'all!


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