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Wednesday, July 8, 2009

I bet Ralph is dancing.

Yesterday the world mourned the loss of the King of Pop. I did not. I did my part when growing up of listening and buying records of Michael Jackson but when he was arrested for child abuse or whatever it was, I got disgusted and lost interest in him.

Yesterday the world lost a great man. My friend, who sits behind me in church, Ralph, is now rejoicing in heaven with Jesus. He was in his early 80's. He had been in the hospital for about 4 weeks. On Tuesday morning, after his precious wife, Elizabeth, who he loved well, spent the night by his side, he was welcomed into heaven with the shouts and fanfare of the saints that have gone on before him. He is no longer in pain and can get on with work of Heaven.

I feel sorry for the children of Michael Jackson. As strange as their life was, the loss of any kind is hard. I also feel sorry for them because they do not know, without a doubt, that they will see Michael Jackson again.

Elizabeth knows she will see Ralph again and although the pain she feels now seems to her, I can only guess, as unbearable, she does have hope. She knows that her Savior is walking beside her and she knows where Ralph is, without a doubt.

I do pray for the children of Michael Jackson. I pray that they will come to know Jesus who will give them hope. I pray for their growing up years and what their lives will be like as people may want them for who their daddy was, not for who they are.

I am praying for Elizabeth. Half of her is not here today. In marriage, I do believe that the 'two shall become one'. She will have to learn to live with this gapping hole in her heart and life. But I know that Elizabeth will probably pick me up more than I'll do that for her and she will have an even more incredible testimony of the love of Jesus.

The entire world will not note the loss of Ralph like our little corner of humanity does but Heaven is. And eternity is what matters.

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