I like things to stay the same.
I like ruts.
Change- shivers just went down my spine even writing that word-
When we moved to AR over 20 years ago I found a hairdresser. She was referred to me by a friend. I used her for while until I realized that I like the hairdresser next to her, in the shop, better, so we all (me and Andrew, Kaitlin and John) switched to KayLynn. (I can't even remember first hairdressers name).
We all went to KayLynn for years!!!! When I moved 40 miles away we still went to KayLynn (here's where you remember the above statement about not liking change) until one day, I decided that I was ready for a change.
Kristi became our new hairdresser. I loved Kristi. She loved sports and she loved to laugh. It was a great visit and a great haircut or perm. Does it get any better?!?
It was a very sad day when Kristi told me was no longer going to be a hairdresser. We shall have a moment of silence for that day.
Kristi recommended Donna. I went to Donna. She was good but quiet. I don't do quiet well. It got better as I went to her longer but it was still not a great time. When she told me she was leaving this area, I was not too sad just wondering where in the world was I going next.
Suzanne and Barbara, that cook with me on Wednesday night, recommended Sherilee in Mayflower.
I went for the first time in November.
I took Kaitlin with me because I am a pantywaist.
Going in on Suzanne and Barbara's good names went a long way. Sherilee welcomed us with open arms. She has a daughter who is very artist, so she and Kaitlin hit it right off. As she was putting her hairdresser cape on me for the first time and checking out my hair, she won me over when she asked what do I put on my hair to get this beautiful color- now, she could have been lying through her teeth, but she had me in the palm of her hand. I told her it was just what my hair did. She then furthered my wonderful opinion of her when she said that she has customers who would love to have hair this color. I knew this was a perfect fit.
I love, no, LOVE the way Sherilee cuts and perms my hair. I was headed toward a mullet with Donna and didn't really know how to stop it but Sherilee came and saved the day and my hair and reputation.
Sherilee saved Kaitlin hair in January. Kaitlin has always wanted a mohawk. After a few days, she realized that she didn't like it any more. Sherilee shaped it up and made Kaitlin very happy.
We both went yesterday to Mayflower. I got a perm and Brittney- who works in the shop with Sherilee- dyed Kaitlin hair. We left at 9, stopped at Sonic and got us a big drink, had a wonderful, laughing, good visit while someone was fixing our hair and got home with Chickfila about 1. That was just about a perfect day.
Sherilee was working on someone hair when we got there. I greeted said lady and, boy, did she look familiar. She was eyeing me and I was eyeing her while both of us were trying to be cool about it. And then it hit me. We both go to the same physical therapist. So we see each other often. We laughed when we made the connection. She told me our PT was having his colonoscopy today and then we died laughing that nothing is sacred.
I think Sherilee is the hairdresser for me. I hope she stays around for awhile, in fact, I pray for her so that maybe she will!
I hope it is a happy hair day for you today!!