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Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Nothing can separate us from the love of God

The above picture is of Marisa and Abby. Abby sat on Kaitlin's lap, for over an hour, as Kaitlin sat on a chair next to Marisa as Marisa got her braces on. Abby loves Marisa.

Abby's mama is my friend, Pam. Pam was in the hopsital delivering her 12 week old baby who had died.

Marisa and I talked about how when Marisa's teeth hurt the worst she can take pain killers and get some ease but that Pam had a heart ache that only God can heal. Being with Abby and her sister, Alli helped Marisa get her mind of her pain and to pray for Pam.

Kaitlin and Marisa slept hard last night because they had a hard emotional day yesterday. I am so glad we serve a God in whom when we get into a deep pit He is deeper still.

Kaitlin was hired by the family to take pictures while they were babysitting. They are on her blogs. Enjoy

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