Wow! I just found 5.00$!

Saturday, June 7, 2008

We love, no, LOVE shoes in our house.

I wrote about not being able to find a present I had in the house for Kaitlin for her birthday on this
post. Well, John found them in his room.

I think his exact words were " What the crap?!"as he brought the shoes into the den. Kaitlin was overjoyed to finally have them. She picked them out and then 'forgot about them'. Ha, I bought them and then I really forgot about them.

Kaitlin loves shoes. I think she loves them almost as much as stuffed animals. Papa made a rule 'that for every stuffed animal that comes into this house for her two must leave '. I think he may be close to making that rule for shoes. He says he thinks her room is going to fall off the house because of all the stuff she has.

I'll post pictures if her room falls off!


Anonymous said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE the shoes!!!!

fgpuckett said...

I did the same thing once with Charles' Christmas present... and even called Mail Boxes ETC to "accuse" them of losing it. Funny, when I found it under my bed a few days later!


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