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Saturday, December 31, 2011

on the mountain top

 I wish I could bottle up the feeling I have when my family is all together and we are laughing and having a good time.

 I would take a big, deep breath of it everyday.  It would smell of good food. The sound of laughter would escape every time the lid was lifted and the bottle would feel warm, a good, comforting warm.

I tried to savor every second we were all together.  It was all too short for me.

I am so thankful for Carl and all he does so our party is always ongoing. He even bought me a fun party shirt to wear.  I am thankful for pictures.  I am thankful to God for all He has given us.  I am thankful He invented family.

My brother, Charles and his wife, Frances, were not able to be with us and they were sorely missed.
I hope you had lots of mountain top time this holiday season.  Happy New Year from the Funroes!

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