Wow! I just found 5.00$!

Friday, February 22, 2013

Boxes, Kaitlin and The Alamo

About a year ago when Kaitlin was at work a lady came in looking for a money tree for her niece's high school graduation.  She wanted to have it out at a party so folks could put money on it.  Kaitlin knew that her store didn't have money trees so she told the customer that and what stores she could check for one, but then Kaitlin showed the lady some picture frames that her store had with tiny little clothes pins around the frame.  Kaitlin's suggestion was to put pictures of her niece in the frames and then folks could clip money in the clothes pins.  The customer loved the idea and went home with several.  Kaitlin was unaware that her boss had observed the entire conversation.  Kaitlin's boss approached Kaitlin and complimented her for her outside-of-the-box thinking.  Later that day, Kaitlin shared that story with me and she asked me if I thought that she thought outside-of-the-box?  I told Kaitlin that most days she didn't know where her box was! We both laughed!

I came across the above happy box in my pretty things closet.  I think if Kaitlin has a box it looks something like the box above!

Kaitlin loves to celebrate.  She celebrates some rather unusual days.  I think after her birthday and Christmas and Thanksgiving, Ground Hog Day is her favorite holiday.  This year, our friend, Sandy ordered Kaitlin a stuffed groundhog from Panxsutawney, PA.  Kaitlin was overjoyed!

This year Kaitlin plans to 'Remember the Alamo'.  She is not sure what her remembering will look like yet but I am sure it will be interesting!  Below is the song that she she often sings.  It is a great song and you learn lots of history about the Alamo painlessly.  Tomorrow, February 23, is the anniversary of the day the siege began but the official Remembering Day is March 6, the day the siege ended.

In the southern part of Texas, in the town of San Antone,
There's a fortress all in ruin that the weeds have overgrown.
You may look in vain for crosses and you'll never see a one,
But sometime between the setting and the rising of the sun,
You can hear a ghostly bugle as the men go marching by;
You can hear them as they answer to that roll call in the sky:
Colonel Travis, Davy Crockett and a hundred eighty more;
Captain Dickenson, Jim Bowie, present and accounted for.

Back in 1836, Houston said to Travis:
"Get some volunteers and go fortify the Alamo."
Well, the men came from Texas and from old Tennessee,
And they joined up with Travis just to fight for the right to be free.

Indian scouts with squirrel guns, men with muzzle loaders,
Stood together heel and toe to defend the Alamo.
"You may never see your loved ones," Travis told them that day.
"Those that want to can leave now, those who'll fight to the death, let 'em stay."

In the sand he drew a line with his army sabre,
Out of a hundred eighty five, not a soldier crossed the line.
With his banners a-dancin' in the dawn's golden light,
Santa Anna came prancin' on a horse that was black as the night.

He sent an officer to tell Travis to surrender.
Travis answered with a shell and a rousin' rebel yell.
Santa Anna turned scarlet: "Play Degüello," he roared.
"I will show them no quarter, everyone will be put to the sword."

One hundred and eighty five holdin' back five thousand.
Five days, six days, eight days, ten; Travis held and held again.
Then he sent for replacements for his wounded and lame,
But the troops that were comin' never came, never came, never came.

Twice he charged, then blew recall. On the fatal third time,
Santa Anna breached the wall and he killed them one and all.
Now the bugles are silent and there's rust on each sword,
And the small band of soldiers lie asleep in the arms of The Lord.

In the southern part of Texas, near the town of San Antone,
Like a statue on his Pinto rides a cowboy all alone.
And he sees the cattle grazin' where a century before,
Santa Anna's guns were blazin' and the cannons used to roar.
And his eyes turn sort of misty, and his heart begins to glow,
And he takes his hat off slowly to the men of Alamo.
To the thirteen days of glory at the seige of Alamo.

Do you celebrate any unusual holidays? I'll post at the end of her Remembering the Alamo so that you will know how to get ready for next year when you join our celebration!

What does your box look like???

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