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Wednesday, October 21, 2009

I think they are mine

Here is a Buckeye Bush. All my growing up, my mother told me, that her daddy told her, that buckeyes were lucky. I never remember seeing a buckeye when we lived in Alabama. When my mama's daddy died, one thing that my mama wanted was his buckeye that he always had with him. That was my first time to see a buckeye. Buckeyes grow all over Arkansas. And although I do not hold to them 'being lucky' they do remind me of my mama. I love the way they grow and the pods open and the buckeyes fall out.
I know the roots are in my neighbors yard but all the buckeyes grow in my yard.
here is what they look like as they are almost ready
here is one just about to spilt of the many reasons I love fall is the buckeyes. Do buckeyes grow where you live?

1 comment:

Kim Tramel said...

What do you do with a buckeye?


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