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Sunday, April 10, 2011

Grief is hard!

Written in Tears is a wonderful review of a book I plan to buy soon. It was written by a father who lost a daughter. One of my friends is going through the hard, hard work of grief. I thought of her as I read the review. Here are some thoughts from the review that really hit home to me.

I believe that God is good.

I don’t believe that it’s appropriate for you to tell for you to tell me so when my daughter dies.

When my daughter dies, it’s my job to tell you that God is good. Until I can do that, don’t be like Job’s friends. Offer your support, and wait in silence.

Don’t try to make the pain go away. The pain doesn’t go away. Hurt with me.

If you are hurting, I hope this helps you.

If you know someone who is hurting, I hope this helps you help them.

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