Wow! I just found 5.00$!

Wednesday, August 1, 2007


When Kaitlin was a little girl she would asked us " What is your poem of the day?" and we would all recite a poem that we made up on the spot. Recently she has changed to Limericks. So today we are driving in the car to the wedding. Kaitlin asked her question about Limericks. Here are two that I thought were great. From Katie

Kaitlin is totally stoked
the last thing she needs is a coke
If anything happens to the wedding gown
we will all know on whom to frown
If we have to buy another, we'll be broke

From Carl

Weddings are fun
glad we don't need a gun
we are on our way to Auburn
hope it won't be borun
we are driving into the sun.

What is your limerick for the day?

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