Wow! I just found 5.00$!

Friday, April 4, 2008

Update on bathroom plus a recommendation

The tiling is done!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Here is the new sink mostly done!!!!!!!!!!!!

Did I mentioned that Majel found a leak behind thewasher? Here is the hole the plumber cut today to fix the leak. We are to wash clothes as usual and see if it is really fixed. Ha! Wash clothes as usual, I haven't had a washer in a week- We'll be doing double time.
Sweet Carl was running out of undershirts on Monday of this week. He asked me what he could do about it. I told him that KimT recommended The Fun Wash to a friend of hers. He packed up his and my unmentionables and took them there. He picked them up that afternoon. There were clean and folded. I was impressed. I would highly recommend them.


RiLes said...

Wow! That looks great! Do you have a before and after picture of your kitchen? I'd love to see it! Hope you enjoy your new tile and bathroom!

Anonymous said...

So impressive!!! Those guys did a great job, and I LOVE the new sink...way, way cool! Glad that they were able to catch the leak. The damage they can cause is just sickening.
Hugs to all your dear family!

BubblesandMoney said...

thanks to you both. Riles, I am looking for a before picture of the kitchen. I love that sink too!


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