Last evening Marisa and I went to the airport to get Kaitlin. Kaitlin went to the funeral for Ben Entwistle this past weekend.
Kaitlin's plane was late leaving Atlanta (imagine that- the reason I say that is I have read that whether you are going to Heaven or Hell you have to change plans in Atlanta- It is a busy place) so Marisa and I waited in this new to me area at the LR airport. The LR airport has maybe 15 gates so I think of it as small. Instead of having everyone waiting on someone to deplane, stand just outside of security, they have made a seating area, just before the baggage claim. The areas are very near each other. In the little seating area is a big TV monitor, the camera for this monitor is just before the passengers get to a non-secure place so you can see them to know your party is approaching.
Marisa and I sat in the little seating area where there are about 20 tables with chairs. We enjoyed our people watching time. Along with watching those folks who were waiting with us we also enjoyed watching those deplaneing and if someone caught our eye we could get a better look when they got to us in person ie the lady with a shaved head except these two longs pieces in the front and it was dyed BLOND but she was wearing Chacos. Marisa was thinking she look pretty weird but then the Chacos put her in the 'maybe she is cool' category.
We tried to pick the seasoned travelers by their shoes ie slip ons and those that had flown the first time ie the glad to be on ground look in their eyes. We tried to pick out relationships ie the husband with the child and her mother coming to pick her up from a trip- Can you tell we were there for an hour?
At 8:33 I got a text from Kaitlin letting me know she was on the ground in LR. Marisa walked up the stairs so she could hug her the minute she got through security. I waited at the table because I didn't know how long I could stand. I was trying to prepare myself for seeing Kaitlin on the TV monitor. I could see myself crying out THERE SHE IS !!!! and then all those who I thought looked unusual would know that I was. I felt the urge to scream move up into my throat as I saw her but my inner hand grabbed it and I was held in check. I calmly got up, threw away my trash and met the girls.
Reunions are wonderful.
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