When all my children were little they would put all manner of things in front of their front teeth ie a drinking straw, a slice of apple, a wedge of orange, chewing gum, etc and say " Does it look like I have braces?" After the first 500 times I quit looking at them and would just say "No"
After they all got braces they asked me what possessed them to do the above actions. I didn't have a clue.
Marisa has heard lots of our stories including the one above. While she was still sitting in the dental chair waiting to be discharged, she looked up at Kaitlin and said "Does it look like I have braces?" They both died laughing.
Wow! It really doesn't look like Marisa has on braces! Great job by Dr. Tom!
great blog! I'll add you to the ones I check often. I love Dr. Phelan too! He is the reason my sisters and I all have straight teeth. :)
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