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Friday, October 3, 2008

Bible Study

We did the third chapter in our Bible study book- The Friendships of Women- The Darker Side of Being Crazy-Glued. It was facinating.

Day 1 We talked about the "God shaped vacuum" that Pascal said that each of us has. In Ecclesiastes 3:11 He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end.

Day 2 From I Kings 11 1-6 , how God commanded us to not marry those with other gods because they will pull our hearts away and what all Solomon did. In verse 6 it even says that Solomon did evil in the sight in the Lord. We looked at Ecclesiates and all that Solomon turned to to fill the "eternity" that was in his heart. He built houses, vineyards, gardens, pools, great herds, silver, singers- he kept his heart from no pleasure. He found all was vanity. Pat's comment on that was that it is hard to finish well.

Day 3 talks about one of the major 'Terrors' of women is isolation. Our sense of worth is grounded in the ability to make and maintain relationships.

Day4 was Overcoming Territorial Tendencies. Ps 119 : 32 says I will run in the way of your commandments when you enlarge my heart. Women tend to have their circle of friends and don't like to include others. When we give God our expectations, He enlarges our hearts and we can take in others.

One other comment that I thought was fascinating was ' hurt people, hurt people'.

I was really challendged with this study to really guard my heart, seek to include other, and reach out to others.

After the study our wonderful leader, Linda, put us in groups of 4/5 to go to lunch. We were to talk about what was the best thing about the stage we are in our lives and the worst. Linda placed us in two groups of younger and older. I was in the older group! She had some from each group in our small lunch groups. I ate with Liz, Anne, Elena, and Pat. We all decided that the best things about our place in life is also the worst. For those with no one at home that have time , they have to be wise with all their time. For those with small children as much as they love it, it is very hard. We had lots of laughs and I felt that lots was accomplished with this lunch.


Bev J said...

Hi Bubbles & Money,

I just discovered you a few minutes ago when our blog comments to Sarah's library blog were posted one minute apart.

We have an INCREDIBLE amount of common threads in our lives, from what I've read of your passions for family, taste in books, despair over departing hairdresser, enthusiasm for recent Bible study, etc. So many Venus similarities.

I don't blog, but am mom and mom-in-law to several talented young women who do. Wish we could make email or phone contact, but don't know the protocol??

My daughter-in-law Sara J is friends with Sarah M both in real life and in the blogging world.

God bless your world--we'll see if there's a next step for us.

A fellow mom, sister, sister-in-law, aunt, mother-in-law, Christian, reader, goofball, etc.

Anonymous said...

Hey Ellen, I just read your blog and thoroughly enjoyed it-especially the summary of Bible Study. It reinforced what we just studied and challenged me again. Keep up the great blogging!

Love, Heather


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